
Get Onboard - An Edible and Biodegradable Air Travel Meal Tray

The Monopolitan
Fuente: PriestmanGoode
Around 5.7 million tons of waste are produced annually in the aviation sector due to in-flight catering. This creates the need to reinvent how this service is provided and PriestmanGoode, a leading aviation and environmental transportation design studio, have already an ambitious plan: the Get Onboard project.

The Monopolitan
Fuente: PriestmanGoode
Designed in 2019, Get Onboard is a meal tray that uses edible, biodegradable, and commercially compostable materials. For example, the flight tray is made with ground coffee, while the main plate is produced with wheat bran. Cutlery is manufactured with coconut wood, sauce capsules with soluble algae, cups with rice husks, and lids with banana leaf and wafer. This ecological proposal seeks to encourage airlines to revisit the provision of services so that passengers can keep getting what they expect from a great travel experience, but at a lower environmental cost.

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