
Robo Esso - A Contactless Automated Robot Barista

The Monopolitan
Source: Robo esso
According to Matt Jones, the rule of thumb in the coffee industry is if you're not selling 200 cups of coffee per day you're not making money. As a coffee shop owner and after covid-19 hit the world, Matt knew he had to try something new if he wanted to stay in business: he programmed a robot to make drinks just like a human barista.

The Monopolitan
Source: Robo esso
Robo Esso is composed of three main parts: the conveyor belt that holds and delivers the drinks, the UR5 robot arm, and the gripper 3D fingers. This robot barista focuses on making coffee drinks in just seconds, putting a smile on everyone’s face, and making automation affordable and adaptable for small businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs.

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